Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Carrot - Day 104

We are home!  happy, safe and content now resting on our comfy couch.
I look over at Brett and say," What are you thinking about?"
"Oh, you know - my usual, Hack Night." he answers with longing. 
Only four hours since we entered the house and maybe seven hours since he last mentioned "being with his people".

It's at that very moment that I realize I hold the carrot and now is the time to dangle it.  "Finish your PhD and we can talk! "

Entrance to Carbon 5 in SF (aka "The Golden Gates")

Pit Stop - Day 103

It was well worth it!  The sun is shining and not a snowflake to be seen!
On our way to YYC :)

On the horizon though.....
Isn't anything sacred anymore???  in Montana.

During one of our routine quick trips at the rest areas on the road, I was coming out to join Brett who was waiting by the car for me and crossed two ladies at the door. From where I was I quickly observed that they were way too cheery on this early morning, especially considering the  location they were entering (really,  I would have understood their mood if they were the first ones at  a half off plus an extra 25% discount at the till kinda sale).  They walked in unison, both looking at me bursting to tell me "good morning" as we crossed paths near the exit. My antennas are up, I politely say a rushed hello back and look away.  In my field of vision my eyes fall on one woman's hands where she is proudly holding a cherished hard cover book.  Ohhhh I thought.  Now I get it.  

Quick - Start the CAR!

At the car, Brett looks at me laughing and with a crooked smile all at once and says, " They tried to accost you as well?"

I have to say, many questions arise:  

  • Why so excited to go to a rest area?
  • Who takes their precious books to public restrooms?
  • Are they that desperate to recruit?
  • Is it safe to pee in Montana?

As for me, I thank God there wasn't a line up.

Further along in our journey, we frequent yet another rest area.  Yes, we drink lots of water.  The excitement is thick in the car as we can now see the Canadian border.

Out I go.  Quickly the Fresh Air reaches me! (and I don't mean as in clean fresh)  You know the one — the one that embraces you fully, climbing down the neck of your sweater, while running up sleeves and reaching the depths of your bones.  Wow, this is most definitely Canadian Air, I thought.  Obviously roams freely from one country to the next needing no passport or declaring of its intent.  Welcome back!  Even though my toes may have been frozen and the tip of my nose red, my heart was warm with joy to be returning home.

ON The Road - Day 102

A festive night indeed was had by all and a pregnant morning sky followed.  Last night we ventured out for dinner in Portland.  We found a lovely outdoor mall fully decorated with Christmas lights and cheer. 

Following all the fun, we woke up to very heavy clouds just waiting to unload tons of snow. We started out our trek in the hopes of outrunning the snow fall.

The longest day -  we left at 9am in snow flurries and drove, and drove and drove some more.  We had been watching the weather religiously for the last week plotting our route back home. The overarching concern was the snow and potential of getting stuck for two days in the mountains.   So we buckled down and drove through the flurries and eventually passed the snow belt. There is no rest for the wicked. We needed to keep ahead and decided to make a detour east to Montana so that we didn't get snowed in during the night. 

At midnight, we finally arrived safely in Great Falls, MT  - now to rest.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Still going North - Day 101

And, it's Duck Weather......

Wet, Wet, Wet.

The Shining light at the end of the day.....

Staying at the Marriott on our way home.  What is great is that we are using points to pay for the rooms!!!  Also,  worth mentioning, I get a break from cooking!

 Good morning snow.  I guess that is another way the Marriott makes us feel at home??

Saturday, December 15, 2012

North It Is - Day 100

Yesterday morning we jump started our return home one day earlier than planned.  

I'm not sure what this means.  The sky is sending conflicting messages. One side of the road looks like this... 

and the other side of the road looks like that…

What I do know is that it doesn't take long before you get the true feeling of back home. 

Four hours into our trip, still in California I might add and this is what we get….

Along the way we did get rewarded with some beautiful sights — one of them being Mount Shasta.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Lessons Learned - Day 99

When travelling lots of different styles exist in order to provide comfort.  Some people are light baggage people while some others need to pack even the kitchen sink.  

Let's not get into technicalities about which group I fit in. Instead why don't I share some observations.

1) Being a good packer is a good quality to have but may not be all that helpful if you come back with more stuff than you left with and haven't increase your available space.

2)Traveling with bed rolls (polar fleece zip up inside linings of sleeping bags) save the day when sheets in hotels are not to your liking or blankets too thin. 

3) When going away for months and have access to a kitchen, bring your own kitchen tools.

  1.  It seems that anywhere I live I like to collect bags….don't know why, I just do.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dear Neighbours, - Day 98

All good things must come to an end.  Those moments so dearly awaited for, where holding your favourite mug, you stood at your widow where free entertainment was available - are now over.  Weekdays, 8:47 AM to 8:58AM time slot will never be the same.  That moment, when that poor dear girl was parking the Volvo on the hill, is no more.  Yes, you have witnessed some of my most embarrassing trials.  Parking on a slope, moving front and back in a tight space while on the decline is not a particularly graceful task.  How do you NOT peel your wheels in this attempt?  When you need to move your right foot from the gas pedal to the brake while the car is going backwards and you have never done this in your life?  Peel the wheels advance 2 inches.  Peel the wheels move back 3 inches.  
Back and forth just to get into the parking spot properly alinged.  Now that I feel properly parked, I need to slant the wheels to the sidewalk so it does not run down the hill. More adjusting, no peeling the tires but some manuvering is needed because I need to be moving the car as I am doing this so no damage to the tires is done.   So finally everything is in place and I am ready to exit the car.  Have you ever tried to exit a Volvo, with a heavy door, from a sports bucket seat, with its bum lower than its hood?  Seriously you practically need a hook to lift you out.  And just when the energized swing  to push yourself up is working, the door decides to close on you.  Back in the car I go.  Grinding my teeth and lips tight, I now  have the necessary anger to make it all the way out this time. It works.  Not my most feminine display of manners but at least I am out. I dust myself off and walk around to the sidewalk ignoring all the eyes I can feel on me.  A moment of dead silence surrounds me as I realize my slanted wheels are actually tight into the sidewalk and I need to get back IN the car so I can move them out.  I'm exhausted and while some of you may be on your second cup of coffee, I still only have one glass of water in me. 

Many a time this has been the beginning of my day but with perseverance and practice I proudly declare, dear neighbours, that I can now park my Volvo with ease and at one fine hair's distance from the curb.
So to a good book or the TV you will have to return to because now I am a PRO.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Big Day - Part Two

7PM UPDATE:  A birthday supper is really a great time to celebrate and go OUT to some trendy new spot or a favourite high end restaurant.  

Some others really enjoy being OUT there with their thinking….
Brett's Delight: Delicious OUTdoor eating in his shorts.
Location:  Food Trucks
First Item:  Ground Lamb Burger, with bacon aioli, red onion and baby arugula.

Side:  Hand cut fries with sea salt plus a spicy dipping sauce

Dessert:  Fresh Beignets with caramel glaze.  (Sorry guys no pics - these seem to have disappeared before my camera was out...)
Accompaniment:  Peet's Decaf Americano

And I have one happy guy :)

What a handsome devil!!!

The Big Day! - Day 97

A very special day indeed.

Here is the deal…..Brett has a great love affair with patch pocket bottoms.  Be it pants or shorts he would wear them every day.  "Boys will be boys", he always tells me when I complain. Granted it may be a "good look" for casual wear, however, diversity would be most welcomed.  As well, so attached is he to these patch pocket garments, that he even has back-ups hidden in case laundry is not done at lightning speed.

So today,  let us celebrate the milestone of one-hundred glorious continuous days of joyfully parading around in his favourite piece of clothing and in the achievement of a dream.  
Yay for the patch pocket shorts!  

And, wouldn't you say, a perfect time to celebrate a birthday :)
Happy Birthday My Love!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10 Things I Will Miss About Berkeley - Day 96

10  –  really laid back attitude  
  9  –  happy and polite sales associates 
  8  –  speed limit of 40 km ( such a calm drive )
  7  –  my candies  ( yes, you read right - I did not mean candle )
  6  –  tons of really good restaurants  and cheap  
  5  –  MSG hardly ever used anywhere
  4  –  Fresh produce every day
  3  –  the best Yoga Studio  - ever
  2  –  having San Francisco in my backyard - awesome!
  1  –  the climate  (  but you probably already guessed that...  )

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Twinge - Day 95

Home, family and friends are just days away.  With growing excitement we are imagining our return to Calgary with great anticipation.  Unexpectedly, however, this morning driving around I got a twinge in my stomach.  No, it was not nerves or the results of eating a bad grape, it was the realization that I was going to miss Berkeley.  Probably the fact  that I was shopping for a scarf in 20 plus sunshine and peeling off layers  (yes, even me) did not help at all.  Until this moment, the deeply buried vision of the snow, icy roads and the deep cold which had become a vague distant memory, was now staring me in the face. 

Is climate really that important?  Yes, it is.  
However, I love being Canadian so much more.  For now, Berkeley, we will have to remain friends and come visit often.
It is time to return to many fantastic projects and experiences in what promises to be a fabulous year.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Men are from Mercury, Women are from…… Day 94

Well in our family  that is certainly what it appears to be.

Brett seems to be warm most of the time.  This in relation to layers of clothing worn or not, blankets needed for a comfortable sleep and temperature in the car -  to name just a few.
Considering this,  then I must be from Pluto  (yes, I know - but in my book it's still a planet and a very cold one at that.))

To prove my point, observe the level of layers on each participant.

Participant A -  one pair of shorts, one long sleeved t-hirt (thin like gossamer wings) covered with a extra light long sleeve cotton shirt.  

One baseball cap - not for preserving body temperature, but to shield from the suns rays (since he feels too close to it...)

Participant B - on pair of wigwam merino wool sock covered with waterproof Blundstone booties,  thick cotton leggings, 

one tank top ( you can't see this just trust me )  covered by one long sleeved cotton t-shirt, covered with one cotton knit sweater, covered with a wool knit hoodie and a wind blocking, moisture-wicking jacket.

Both in the same country.  Both happy :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Refund - Day 93

Being in another country it can take a few hits and misses before I have a good handle on which brands and products work best for us.  So, naturally, at times I have had to revert to the good ole' refund in the process.  Ok let's be honest.  Here, I have become a little bit of a "Refund Queen" — much to Brett's dismay. (We actually have a designated refund shelf by the door).

Here is my strategy:  Reason for the return?  (Nothing illegal)  "My husband bought these and I won't use them. " (This is not a lie folks…..Brett usually pays for stuff because I am very often distracted by the tabloids or new products.)  

Tonight I walk in to Whole Foods (one of my hot spots for returns)  with my refund and go through the usual above mentioned strategy. The sweet young girl at customer service smiles at me and says, "You know, lately that is one of the most often used reasons for returns?  Men! They just can't seem to get it right".  Taken aback, I  think to myself while smiling shyly…..have I had that many refunds here???? Did I just create a new category in the refund reasons???  Most of all, have I scarred the poor thing for life??? 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day and Night On The Streets - Day 91

Early morning stroll in Berkeley -  corner sidewalk .

Late Night stroll in San Francisco.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's official. I'm a geek groupie - Day 90

Three "hack nights" in one week ?  That's right, different location tonight.  So, new bunch of geeks.

The one geek who is the object of my affection:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Movie Night - Day 89

Rare is the time when the Giles are out for a movie.
What production would possibly make them stray from their norm you ask?

"Design & Thinking" is a documentary exploring the idea of "design thinking"!
It will be one of the very few documentaries on design, and certainly the first about the impact design thinking has on the world.

Another reason to branch out…..location - at Carbon 5 - the offices who also host "hack night".  
Did I even have a choice?????

Here is the link if you are interested:    http://designthinkingmovie.com

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hhhhhmmmmmm ??? Something's Fishy - Day 88

There seems to be a change in the air and I don't mean only the atmospheric one. Been going on now for a couple of days. It used to be that we would enjoy commiserating about our our return home with some longing.  Our king bed, our double shower, kitchen counters for all.   When I mention some of the delicacies from back home now, I look up and find a sad blank stare.   

If I work my way back I believe it started the morning after " Hack Night".  Hhhhhhhhmmmmmm ( one eyebrow tilted up )
I must have heard him say at least 867 times "  I had SOOOOOO much fun on Wednesday"  
OMG  -  Could it be that Brett doesn't want to leave anymore??

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Wind - Day 86

Or more accurately the wind storms.  These have been going for a few days now along with rain showers.

The winds are so powerful they keeps us awake at night.
Plus whatever else is going on eclipses,  full moon etc. leaving us very tired and a bit cranky.   In light of this, I have decided to skip yoga today and stay cozy at home. It feels decadent, especially since it was nice instructor, but also hardest instructor.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hack Night - Day 85

One of the reasons we came to California besides doing research towards Brett's PhD was to get a feel for the industry here and for Brett to meet other programers ( AKA hackers in his circle ).

One great opportunity for this is "Hack Night".  These are gatherings for computer geeks to work on projects and either help out others who need help or ask for help if you are stuck on something.  Held in actual company offices it promises to be a perfect match for Brett.

Off to Downtown SanFrancisco we go.  

It is in a building built in 1912 that used to be a rope manufacturer.  What an amazing space.  The brick walls, wood ceilings, old metal beams.  Just WOW.  So, out comes my camera.  I ask permission to take pictures of the buildings features  (which for ME are not the computers and equipment). The details are great,  however, you really have to be there to feel how fantastic the space is.

Once I am done I take my KOBO out and read for a few hours until it is time to go back to Berkeley.    It was a successful evening  (for both of us -  especially since I was not expecting such a score).  Brett is overjoyed at his time spent with what he calls  "these are my people".  At least ten times on the Bart back he says the had sooooo much fun tonight.   That my friends, is why we came here.  For Brett to be with his people :)

One another note:  I noticed there were actually 12 girls out of 50 in the group. Good to see how one generation is changing things.