All good things must come to an end. Those moments so dearly awaited for, where holding your favourite mug, you stood at your widow where free entertainment was available - are now over. Weekdays, 8:47 AM to 8:58AM time slot will never be the same. That moment, when that poor dear girl was parking the Volvo on the hill, is no more. Yes, you have witnessed some of my most embarrassing trials. Parking on a slope, moving front and back in a tight space while on the decline is not a particularly graceful task. How do you NOT peel your wheels in this attempt? When you need to move your right foot from the gas pedal to the brake while the car is going backwards and you have never done this in your life? Peel the wheels advance 2 inches. Peel the wheels move back 3 inches.
Back and forth just to get into the parking spot properly alinged. Now that I feel properly parked, I need to slant the wheels to the sidewalk so it does not run down the hill. More adjusting, no peeling the tires but some manuvering is needed because I need to be moving the car as I am doing this so no damage to the tires is done. So finally everything is in place and I am ready to exit the car. Have you ever tried to exit a Volvo, with a heavy door, from a sports bucket seat, with its bum lower than its hood? Seriously you practically need a hook to lift you out. And just when the energized swing to push yourself up is working, the door decides to close on you. Back in the car I go. Grinding my teeth and lips tight, I now have the necessary anger to make it all the way out this time. It works. Not my most feminine display of manners but at least I am out. I dust myself off and walk around to the sidewalk ignoring all the eyes I can feel on me. A moment of dead silence surrounds me as I realize my slanted wheels are actually tight into the sidewalk and I need to get back IN the car so I can move them out. I'm exhausted and while some of you may be on your second cup of coffee, I still only have one glass of water in me.
Many a time this has been the beginning of my day but with perseverance and practice I proudly declare, dear neighbours, that I can now park my Volvo with ease and at one fine hair's distance from the curb.
So to a good book or the TV you will have to return to because now I am a PRO.
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