Monday, September 10, 2012

Oregon - Day Four

Senior's breakfast.  Brett's first Senior Discount at a restaurant.  The buffet at the Casino offers $1.50 off to anyone over 50 years of age.  I told on him.  "he's over fifty"  I pointed out.

New line in his vocabulary.  "How old to be a senior?"

Brett still trying to digest it. 

On the road again.

There is a song you know......

A day of thought. Starting the day with beautiful weather 24 degrees at 9 am.

 Driving through prairie, which I always enjoy, into lots of industry with wind gust so strong I almost needed to be strapped down.

 Moving along next into Portland which was less than savory. The Sunday traffic was unreal. We continued on to make our way to the coast in cloudy, gloomy and some rain.

 Finally along the ocean with lush greenery and winding roads.

The contrasts were so evident today.  The elements were in conflict.
In my heart I understand the beauty of each and hoping to find the right balance of all that appeals to me. City life along with the the natural charms of the open space, the ocean, lots and lots of trees.

PS.  Another contrast of sorts......a Naked Winery billboard and 1/4 mile further on the other side of the road the billboard for Cathedral Hill Winery. Different side of the roads, different target markets.

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